4-Channel USB Oscilloscope with Waveform Generator
The Hantek6104BD is a 100MHz USB oscilloscope with 4 analog channels and an arbitrary waveform generator. It offers a fast 1GSa/s sampling rate and 64K memory depth.
This PC-based Oscilloscope has a standard USB2.0 interface and offers LabviewVBVC Second Design instance. It has a standard USBXI (TM) interface and easily inserts into a USBXI (TM) housing to make up a combination instrument.
The Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator offers 200MSa/s DDS, 12bits of vertical resolution, and a variety of built-in standard waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms are easy to edit, making it convenient to recreate sensor- and other irregular signals.
The Hantek6104BD has a very intuitive software-driver menu similar to traditional benchtop oscilloscopes. It offers a whole range of signal measurements, FFT analysis, and USB device & host interface. It offers excellent performance, pass/fail testing, resourceful trigger function, dynamic cursor tracking, waveform record, and replay function.
Use it in the field together with a laptop to do diagnostics, with no need for AC power, or use it in the lab as a handy instrument on the desk of every engineer or technician.
Oscilloscope Specifications:
- Oscilloscope channels: 4
- Bandwidth: 100MHz
- Sampling rate: 1GS/s
- Memory depth: 64K
- Time Base Precision: +- 50ppm
- Time Base Range: 2ns/div-1000s/div (1-2-4 sequences)
- Input Impedance: 1MΩ 25pF
- Vertical range: 2mV/div ~ 5KV/div
- Vertical resolution: 8-bit
- Mathematical operation: intensity, invert, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, X-Y plot
- FFT Spectrum Analyser
- Multiple Auto measurements: Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vmid, Vbase, Mean, Vrms, Vcrms, Preshoot, Overshoot, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, +Duty Cycle,-Duty Cycle
- Save waveform in the following: text file, jpg/bmp graphic file, MS excel/word file
Arbitrary Waveform Generator Specifications:
- Waveform Frequency: DC~25MHz
- DAC: 2K~200MHz adjustable
- Frequency Resolution: 0.10%
- Channel: 1CH waveform output
- Waveform Depth: 2KSa
- Vertical Resolution: 12 bit
- Frequency Stability: <30ppm
- Wave Amplitude: ±3.5V Max
- Output Impedance: 50Ω
- Output Current: 50mA, Ipeak=50mA
- System BW: 25M
- USB2.0 interface, no external power source required, Plug and play
- USB Host/Device
- LabviewVBVC Second Design instance
- Serial bus triggering and decoding, Bus protocol information can be quickly and intuitively displayed in table form
- The waveform data could be output to EXCEL, BMP, JPG as time and voltage category
- Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
- Dimensions (mm): 175(L) x 105(W) x 25mm(H), 0.9kg
The Package Includes:
Hantek6104BD Oscilloscope, 2x oscilloscope test probe, 2x Gator Clip lines, 1x BNC to BNC cable, 1x USB cable CD with PC software and user manual.