Automotive Diagnostics Acupuncture Pins Set
For engine diagnostics and debugging these acupuncture probes by Hantek can be used with the Hantek1008 Automotive Diagnostic oscilloscope or with any other automotive oscilloscope. They are used to puncture wire insulation to allow for automotive electrical measurements without causing damage to the wires. Use these back-pinning probes to probe small and fragile connectors, and also for insulation piercing on small gauge wires when debugging automotive applications. The fine tip can slide past weather pack seals to probe connectors. They can also be used as pin-tip probes while working with small circuit boards.
These acupuncture probes come with extra needles and screws so you can repair bent pins easily by yourself – just remove the screw, pull out the needle and replace it with a new one.
The HT307 Acupuncture Probe Set consists of 5 colour-coded pins, 20 extra needles and 2 screws.